Dec 10, 2005

Meeting Date: 
Saturday, December 10, 2005

Attendance: 27


The 11:00 class was taught by Alex Brown. He demonstrated the PCBExpress software for creating and ordering printed circuit boards. 


The business meeting began at 12:35 covering the following topics:

1. Elections of officers for 2006: 

     President - Bill Douglas, 

     Vice President - Walter Martinez,

     Treasurer - Peter Cresswell, 

     Secretary - Jeff Smith.

2. The January class will be on vision systems taught by Jeff Dunker.

3. Peter said a donor, who will remain anonomous, was willing to donate money to the club but that the club would need to obtain non-profit status and have a plan for the funds. Members were asked to think about these issues and they will be discussed further in the January meeting.

4. A discussion on club promotion concluded with Bi ll Douglas taking an action to investigate magazine advertisement opportunities and Alex Brown to hear more about the club having a presence at Cal State Fulerton's upcomming Engineering Week celebration.

5. Upcoming contests for 2006:

     January - Line Following (Jim Ubersetzig organizer / Bill Douglas to order trophies)

     March - Mini Sumo (Jeff Smith)

     May - Hall Navigation (Alex Brown)

The business meeting concluded at 1:45

Show & Tell

1. Walter Martinez demo'd a new large robot platform for his LEAF project. The robot has a 1-1/2" PVC tubing and Lexan frame, wheel chair motors and lead acid battery drive system. IFI Robotics FIRST style motors drivers are planned. (15min)

2. Gary Malalepsy demo'd "Tommy", and anomatronic head hacked from a holloween toy. He added a basic stamp and a pan & tilt neck (see (15min)

3. Russell Newman visited CMU in November and showed off pictures he took of their robotics projects and vehicles. Russell was our club president for 2005 and was recently awarded a scholarship to attend CMU - Congradulations Russell! (10min)

4. Scott Mummert ran a LEAF demo on his PC; the most notable fact was that he had just installed it during the meeting in less than an hour and had it up and running - great job LEAF team. Scott showed a picture of his robot "Timmy", who will soon be assimilated into the LEAF collective :-) (10min)


5. Derek Jones demo'd his home robot. He showed a PC simulator mimicing the movements of his actual robot on the floor. He also demonstrated his Bluetooth communications between the PC and 68332 based robot, and a graphical display showing a tracking of the robots movements. For info do a search on OOMRM. (15min)




















6. Harry and Nink demo'd their large 3 wheeled omni robot named "Dizzy". They demo'd wireless PC to Robot communications and had the robot moving in a nice square without the robot making any turns. (20min)



















7. Also demo'd was a Buzz Lightyear motorized arm and claw found at Disneyland. The arm extended and the gripper was able to grab a cola bottle. During the demo the toy was sold for $15! (5min)